Does seeing a red eye patient walk through the door make you cry 'FML' internally? Needing a place to max(idex) out your therapeutics knowledge? Or do you need to re-fixate your targets on interpreting OCT/OCT-A?
Come join our in-person event with Dr Alex Hamilton and Dr Dov Hersh! In this interactive talk, Dr Hamilton will be presenting case studies on acute red eyes and approaches to diagnosing and managing these patients. Following this, Dr Hersh will be discussing retinal cases with a focus on the use of multimodal imaging.
For YO members based interstate or regional who would like to join, please email us at to receive the Zoom registration link.
Learning Objectives:
Red Eye/Anterior Eye Conditions
1. Understand the causes of an acute red eye
2. Understand the approach to assessing a red eye
3. Understand when to refer patients with a red eye
4. Understand the initial management of common red eye presentations
Multimodal Imaging – OCT & Beyond: A case based discussion
1. Understands current forms of ophthalmic multimodal retinal imaging
2. Appreciate the utility of OCTA in differentiating cause of sub retinal fluid
3. Understand the concept of oculomics
About our speakers:
Dr Alex Hamilton

Dr Hamilton is a cataract, refractive and corneal surgeon and a medical retina specialist. He completed his ophthalmology training in Sydney and subsequently undertook two years of subspecialty training in the UK, focusing on corneal and refractive surgery and medical retina. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO).
Dr Hamilton performs cataract surgery, pterygium surgery, laser eye surgery and corneal transplantation. He manages all types of corneal diseases and specialises in retinal conditions such as macula degeneration, diabetic eye disease and retinal vein occlusions. He is also a specialist eye surgeon at Sydney Eye Hospital and a clinical lecturer at the University of Sydney. Read more here.
Dr Dov Hersh

Dr Hersh has dual international post-graduate fellowship qualifications from world leading institutions. He completed his ophthalmology training in Sydney and undertook further advanced sub-specialty training in the UK. He holds interests in the management of retinal disorders including macular degeneration, diabetic eye disease and vein occlusions.
During his fellowships, Dr Hersh trained with pioneers in the medical retina field and was appointed as an investigator in an array of multi-national clinical trials that studied emerging treatments for retinal diseases. He has also published multiple manuscripts in international peer reviewed journals. Read more here.
Event Details:
This in-person event is FREE for all YO members. If you have any questions that you would like to send in beforehand, please email them to us at If you are not a member and would like to attend, you can sign up here.
2.5i (1.25T) CPD hours have been approved for this event. A certificate of attendance will be provided at the conclusion of the event.
Location: Club York Sydney, 95-99 York St, Sydney NSW 2000
Time: Wednesday 4th September, 6:30PM - 9:30 PM
(Please arrive at 6:30PM for a 7:00PM start)
Cost: Free for YO Members
A three course meal will be provided
Register by Wednesday 28th August 5pm.
4th and 5th year students are also welcome but spots are very limited so get in quick!
This in-person event abides by COVID-19 safety guidelines. We also ask that you do not attend the event if you're feeling sick or unwell on the day. Please advise us ASAP by emailing
Changes to this booking sometimes may occur at last minute and may mean that due to health advice this event may be changed to an online event. Should this occur you will be notified by email. Please ensure to check all your emails from Young Optometrists for updates and any new changes prior to your event.

Special thank you to CooperVision for their unwavering support of Young Optometrists for making these events happen!