On the fence on whether to monitor or refer this macular hole or epiretinal membrane? Unsure about whether that retinal hole or tear needs to be seen the same day? Or confused about the public referral process in Western Sydney?
In this webinar, we are fortunate to have Dr Rahul Dubey and Dr Gaurav Bhardwaj discuss the referrals, triaging and management of vitreoretinal conditions, and how to navigate the public system in Western Sydney.
About Dr Rahul Dubey:

Dr Rahul Dubey is a consultant ophthalmologist, cataract and medical and surgical retina specialist. His special interests include the broad array of vitreomacular disease, advanced diabetic eye disease and complex refractive cataract surgery. He has published extensively in peer-reviewed medical literature, and frequently lectures at national and international conferences. He is particularly passionate about education and supervises ophthalmologists-in training as a consultant vitreoretinal surgeon at Westmead Hospital, and holds a public appointment at the Prince Of Wales Hospital. Dr Dubey also maintains a commitment to the service of rural and regional ophthalmology working with the Outback Eye Service in Dubbo, Bourke and Broken Hill.
Dr Dubey will discuss surgical management of macular diseases. The learning outcomes are as follows:
- Triage and manage macular holes
- Triage and manage ERM
- Vitreomacular traction management
About Dr Gaurav Bhardwaj:

Dr Gaurav Bhardwaj is an experienced ophthalmic surgeon with expertise in vitreoretinal surgery, cataract surgery and medical management of retinal diseases. He is one of few retinal surgeons in Australia skilled in both adult and paediatric surgery. He has a strong interest in research, having completed a PhD in the area of retinal haemorrhages in children and has continued his research interest with ongoing publications into major scientific journals. Dr Bhardwaj is also involved in supervising junior eye surgeons and retinal fellows from Australia and abroad in surgical training.
Dr Bhardwaj will discuss retinal tears and detachment and the current trends in management. The learning outcomes are as follows:
- Triage and manage PVD
- Triage and management of retinal holes and tears
- Understand surgical decision making in treatment of retinal detachment
This webinar is FREE for all YO members. If you have any questions that you would like to send in beforehand, please email them to us at y.optoms@gmail.com. If you are not a member and would like to attend, you can sign up here.
To register, please click here. Registration is required, otherwise you will not be able to join the webinar. Please register by 6pm 8th of July 2024.
1.5T CPD hours have been applied for this event. A certificate of attendance will be provided at the conclusion of the event.

Special thank you to CooperVision for their unwavering support of Young Optometrists for making these events happen!