Ever wondered how oral prescribing can change your clinical management? Ready to hear from New Zealand optometrists and their experience with prescribing oral medications? Or simply curious on how the scope of optometry is expanding?
We are delighted to have two New Zealand optometrist guest speakers come to discuss their experience in prescribing oral medications. Dr Robert Ng and Dr. Jason Dhana will discuss the evolution in legislation of therapeutics from topical to oral in New Zealand, and through a series of clinical case studies delve into the clinical decision making process on how and when to prescribe oral medication over topical therapeutics for certain ocular conditions and associated systemic conditions.
This hybrid event will be presented both through Zoom and In-Person. To register for the Zoom webinar, please click here. To attend our in-person event, please register on this page on the left.
About Dr. Robert Ng:
Robert is a full scope optometrist having graduated with both his Master of Health Sciences (Honours) (Optometry) and the Bachelor of Optometry (Honours) from The University of Auckland. He primarily practices in private practice in Auckland and is a clinic supervisor at the University of Auckland. He has also worked in the Ophthalmology Department at Counties Manukau District Health Board (Auckland) where he was both independently and co-managing glaucoma with a consultant ophthalmologist. He is an advocate for practicing full-scope and was also an approved optometrist vaccinator for the COVID-19 vaccine.
In 2021 Robert was awarded the University of Auckland’s Dennis Pickup Clinical Educator Award in recognition of his clinical teaching. He holds interests in specialty contact lenses (including keratoconic fittings and orthokeratology), myopia control, ocular therapeutics and sports vision. Robert is a published author in journals and is involved in research with interests in his specialty areas, as well as public awareness/education and health economics and practice management.

About Dr. Jason Dhana:
Jason graduated from the University of Auckland with a BOptom (Hons) in 2007 and spent his first five years in community practice. Since 2014 he has been a Professional Teaching Fellow (Clinical Supervisor) to Part V students, whilst balancing this position with a role in ophthalmology within the public hospital since 2012. Jason completed his Masters with a clinical specialisation in glaucoma, and a postgraduate certificate in clinical education to further enhance his teaching skills in academia. Within the hospital Jason has spent ten years in glaucoma clinics however is now solely in the emergency clinic, where he independently manages and treats acute patients.
Jason was an approved COVID-19 and influenza vaccinator during the pandemic and had vaccinated over 3,500 patients. He is a strong advocate for scope expansion including the Specialist Scope of Practice - Ophthalmic Laser Surgeries, and upcoming scope expansion of optometrist intravitreal injections. Jason's passion lies in management and treatment of ocular pathology. March 2024 saw a move to Sydney for a change in lifestyle which includes balancing locum work with time at the beach, and frequent trips back to Auckland to work in the hospital where Jason continues to work to NZ's full scope of practice.

Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the evolution and change in legislation of therapeutics from topical to oral in New Zealand
2. Relevance to Australian Optometry and Tran Tasman Mutual Recognition Act
3. Recognise the role that optometrists can play in prescribing oral medications, as well as the timeline of scope expansion in NZ.
4. Understand the clinical decision making in choosing oral over topical medications for certain conditions.
5. Appreciate the presented case studies and evidence behind treatment of certain ocular and associated systemic conditions with oral medications.
6. Latest evidence on management of ocular and associated systemic conditions how and when to prescribe oral medications with case examples
Location: Novotel Darling Square, 17 Little Pier St, Darling Harbour, NSW, 2000
Time: Wednesday 5th June, 7:00PM - 9:00 PM
(For those attending in-person please arrive at 6:45PM for a 7PM start)
Cost: Free for YO Members
A three course meal will be provided.
(Note: as dinner is served for in-person attendees, there will be a break during the talk for those joining via Zoom)
Register by Wednesday 29th May, spots are very limited so get in quick!
This webinar is FREE for all YO members. If you have any questions that you would like to send in beforehand, please email them to us at y.optoms@gmail.com. If you are not a member and would like to attend, you can sign up here.
1T CPD hour have been approved for this event. A certificate of attendance will be provided at the conclusion of the event.
This in-person event abides by COVID-19 safety guidelines. We also ask that you do not attend the event if you're feeling sick or unwell on the day. Please advise us ASAP by emailing y.optoms@gmail.com.
Changes to this booking sometimes may occur at last minute and may mean that due to health advice this event may be changed to an online event. Should this occur you will be notified by email. Please ensure to check all your emails from Young Optometrists for updates and any new changes prior to your event.
Special thank you to CooperVision for their unwavering support of Young Optometrists for making these events happen!