Wanting to boost your clinical skills when it comes to the anterior eye? Wanting to get more confident in corneal foreign body removal and lacrimal lavage?
In collaboration with Nexus Hospitals, we are fortunate to have ophthalmologist Dr. Nelson Kuo lead us in a clinical skills night with a focus on foreign body removal and lacrimal lavage. Interactive CPD points applied for.

Dr Nelson Kuo is an experienced ophthalmologist who specialises in cataract, glaucoma, eyelids and the tear duct. He completed his ophthalmology training at Sydney Eye Hospital. He spent two further fellowship years at the Concord Repatriation Hospital in Sydney and Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital in the United Kingdom, sub-specialising in complex glaucoma and oculoplastic. Read more of Dr Kuo's bio here.
The night will be composed of a presentation of foreign bodies and removal technique and lacrimal lavage technique by Dr. Nelson Kuo. It will be followed by clinical sessions where you will get hands-on experience in foreign body removal, with the guidance of Dr. Nelson Kuo
This is not an event you want to miss - we hope the casual atmosphere will empower you to not only build on your clinical skills but to network with your fellow colleagues and Nexus Hospital's local ophthalmologists.
1.5T (1Ti) CPD hours have been applied fo. A certificate of attendance will be provided at the conclusion of the event.
Cost: Free for YO members and non-members!
Special 25% off 1 Year and 3 Year Membership New sign ups and Renewals
Discount Code: "EVENT2024"
Light food and drinks will be provided
Register by Monday 1st of April, spots are very limited so get in quick!
Where: Preclinical Labs University of Canberra
Note: To access the Preclinical Labs, enter UC from Ginninderra Drive. It is the first building on the left (Health Hub, no28 in top right hand corner of map below). Access Level D and turn left as you come out of the elevators, then down the corridor. The preclinical lab is the last door on your right.

This in-person event abides by COVID-19 safety guidelines. Mask wearing will be required during the event, we encourage you to bring along a KN95 or N95 mask. We also ask that you do not attend the event if you're feeling sick or unwell on the day. Please advise us ASAP by emailing y.optoms@gmail.com.
Special thank you to CooperVision for their unwavering support of Young Optometrists for making these events happen!