Collaborative Learning – 1.5 Ti available!
YOTSS – In person UNSW Rupert Myers Building, Nov 4th 9:30am-2:00pm.
Young Optometrist’s cordially invites you to join us on Saturday the 4th of November for a collaborative interactive discussion of preprepared cases, ahead of the YO therapeutic study session conducted on behalf of the UNSW Fifth year students.
This event is not associated with the UNSW course, but is instead run by YO as an opportunity for 5th year students keen to practice their therapeutic case discussion.
In this event, pre-made therapeutic case studies are shared in interactive groups of a therapeutically-endorsed optometrist and Fifth year students to promote discussion of different therapeutic management to certain ocular diseases. This will also help final year students to prepare them for their upcoming therapeutics examinations.
to sign up as a student member and register for the event.
EXAMINERS: To volunteer as an examiner, Click here
Renumeration of $100 will be provided for examiner volunteers.
(A Preparatory Session for examiners is conducted in recognition of the time examiners would typically otherwise dedicate to the student event - participation in this session is not mandatory to volunteer but encouraged to ensure examiners know their cases well to provide quality discussions and learning to the students).
Preparatory session date: To be determined based upon consultation with examiners.
The structure of the event will be:
9:30AM - 9.35AM: Introduction and allocation of groups and cases
9.35AM -12PM: Optometrists and students discuss 5 cases together (30minutes each)
12PM - 12.30PM: Lunch break
12:30PM - 2PM: Optometrists and students discuss 3 cases together (30minutes each)
Registration is required, otherwise you will not be able to join the webinar. Students, please register by 5pm 3rd November 2023.
Special thank you to CooperVision for their unwavering support of Young Optometrists for making these events happen!