Come join us in our highly anticipated collaborative panel on Low Vision. Due to the high interest and success of our previous low vision event last year, this webinar event is free for anyone to join, YO members and non-YO members!
We are delighted to have three guest speakers from different professions come together to discuss the important topic of Low Vision; Dr. Bonnie Sturrock, a clinical psychologist, Caroline Yan, Guide Dogs area manager and orthoptist, and Lisa Feng, staff optometrist and lecturer at UNSW School of Optometry.
This panel will delve into low vision and its impact on visual function and daily living activities and clinical examination techniques. Furthermore, there will be a highlight on collaborative care, as well as the effects on a patient’s mental health and the importance of appropriate support and referral channels.
Click here to register now.
About our guest speakers:
Dr. Bonnie Sturrock

Dr. Bonnie Sturrock is a clinical psychologist who has studied and/or worked in mental health for over 20 years. She works in private practice in Melbourne Victoria and was employed as a Research Fellow at the Centre for Eye Research Australia, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Melbourne (UoM). As a Research Fellow in the Behavioural Research in Ophthalmology group, she made significant contributions to large-scale projects focused on developing and implementing evidence-based treatments for depression in individuals with vision impairment across Australia. Throughout her career, Dr. Sturrock has gained international recognition as a clinician, trainer, and researcher in the field of vision loss/ vision impairment/blindness/low vision. She has further dedicated her time and skills to volunteer activities aimed at supporting individuals facing personal disadvantage or disability. She actively engages in community education initiatives to raise awareness about mental health and advocates for those with chronic illness/disability.
Caroline Yan

Experienced Orthoptist and leader with a Bachelor of Applied Science in Orthoptics from the University of Sydney and a Diploma of Leadership and Management from Swinburne University. She has more than 17 years of working in the non-profit industry and providing services to clients in the low vision rehabilitation setting.
Lisa Feng

Staff optometrist and lecturer at UNSW School of Optometry and Vision Science. She is a clinical supervisor for the low vision clinic and is also involved in the teaching and lecturing of low vision to optometry students.
Learning Outcomes:
- To provide attendees with the fundamental knowledge of low vision and its impact on visual function and daily living activities as well as the confidence in clinical examination techniques in low vision assessment.
To recognise the effects of vision loss of the mental health of patients in order to support and refer low vision patients appropriately.
To examine the supports that are available to low vision patients and the referral pathway for further examination and management.
To recognise the importance of multidisciplinary care for patients with visual impairment and the support available to them.
To register, please click here. Registration is required, otherwise you will not be able to join the webinar. Please register by 6pm 12th of September 2023. CPD Hours have been applied for.

Special thank you to CooperVision for their unwavering support of Young Optometrists for making these events happen!