Puzzled by what you as optometrists can do for corneal transplant patients? Seen a limbal lesion that looks suspicious and wracking your brain to remember what OSSN was? Worried about prescribing safely in pregnancy and treatment options of retinal disease during pregnancy?
What better way to answer your burning questions than in a casual social event with Dr Alex Hamilton and Dr Dov Hersh in person and a fun trivia night with friends?!
In this event, we are lucky to have Dr Alex Hamilton and Dr Dov Hersh each present a 30min talk on the following topics:
1. Corneal Transplantation in 2023: Where are we at and how can optometry co-manage cases?
2. Limbal Lesions: When to worry that it could be an OSSN?
3. Don't forget the baby! - The tightrope of managing ocular pathology during pregnancy.
Followed by a fun night of trivia! YES, there will be prizes!
Get competitive and show off your knowledge to win! Worried your general knowledge isn't the best? Don't worry find a smart team and hide amongst them, and just enjoy the evening with your peers.
We are also really keen for the food at this venue, it will be korean buffet style. Start drooling and satisfy that craving you have by stuffing yourself with korean fried chicken, bulgogi and more!
About our speakers:
Dr Alex Hamilton

Dr Hamilton is a Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (R.A.N.Z.C.O.). He completed his ophthalmology training in Sydney. He then undertook two years of extra subspecialty training; at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital he completed a Corneal and Refractive Surgery Fellowship and at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London he then completed a Medical Retina Fellowship.
Dr Hamilton performs premium cataract surgery and laser eye surgery including LASIK. He manages all types of corneal diseases including Keratoconus and Fuch's Endothelial Dystrophy and performs corneal transplantation. He also specialises in retinal conditions such as macula degeneration, diabetic eye disease and retinal vein occlusions.
Dr Hamilton is committed to improving the quality of eye health in Australia and internationally. He holds a Master of Public Health and worked internationally at the World Health Organisation in Geneva. Alex was previously a management consultant with the Boston Consulting Group in London. Read more here.
Dr Dov Hersh

Dr Hersh has rare dual international post-graduate fellowship qualifications from world leading institutions and brings this expertise to his patients. He completed his ophthalmology degree from University of Sydney. He undertook specialist ophthalmology training through Sydney Eye Hospital and gained Fellowship of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists. Following this he undertook a further 2.5 years of advanced sub-specialty training at two of Europe's premiere eye institutions, Bristol Eye Hospital and Moorfields Eye Hospital, London.
During his fellowships Dr Hersh trained with pioneers in the medical retina field and was appointed as an investigator in an array of multi-national clinical trials studying emerging treatments for retinal diseases. Dr Hersh has published multiple manuscripts in international peer reviewed journals. As well as practicing general ophthalmology Dov is particularly interested in the management of retinal disorders including macular degeneration, diabetic eye disease and vein occlusions.
Prior to his medical career he gained a Bachelor of Commerce degree at UNSW, majoring in Information Technology. As a medical student he established telemedicine projects in developing countries. In recognition of his efforts he was awarded semi-finalist for young Australian of the Year. Dr Hersh is passionate about patient-centred care, good functional outcomes and quality of life for his patients. Read more here.
Learning Objectives:
- To understand corneal transplantation types and their pros and cons
- To understand post operative management of transplants relevant to optometry
- To better understand risk factors for concerning limbal lesions
- Safe prescribing of ophthalmic medications during pregnancy
- Treatment options for retinal disease during pregnancy
- To identify pigmented retinal lesions that are associated with systemic disease
This event is FREE for all YO members! If you have any questions that you would like to send in beforehand, please email them to us at y.optoms@gmail.com. If you are not a member and would like to attend, you can sign up here.
CPD hours have been applied for this event. A certificate of attendance will be provided at the conclusion of the event.
Location: Harold Green Room, Strathfield Sports Club
19 Morwick St, Strathfield NSW 2135
Time: Tuesday 4th of July, 6:30pm to 8.00pm
Cost: Free for all YO members
Register by Monday 3rd July, spots are very limited so get in quick!
This in-person event abides by COVID-19 safety guidelines.. We also ask that you do not attend the event if you're feeling sick or unwell on the day. Please advise us ASAP by emailing y.optoms@gmail.com.
Changes to this booking sometimes may occur at last minute and may mean that due to health advice this event may be changed to an online event. Should this occur you will be notified by email. Please ensure to check all your emails from Young Optometrists for updates and any new changes prior to your event.
Special thank you to CooperVision for their unwavering support of Young Optometrists for making these events happen!