We gladly invite you to the YO Therapeutics Study Session for UNSW final year students.
In this event, pre-made therapeutic case studies are shared in interactive groups of a therapeutically-endorsed optometrist and fifth year students to promote discussion of different therapeutic management to certain ocular diseases. This will also help final year students to prepare them for their upcoming therapeutics examinations.
The event will be held on the Zoom platform, in breakout rooms on topics which require the use of most therapeutically endorsed medicines.
The structure of the event will be:
9:30AM - 9.35AM: Introduction and allocation of groups and cases
9.35AM -12PM: Optometrists and students discuss 5 cases together (30minutes each)
12PM - 12.30PM: Lunch break
12:30PM - 2PM: Optometrists and students discuss 3 cases together (30minutes each)
Please also be ready to join using a desktop or laptop, and make sure to have your microphones and video on.
The event is FREE FOR UNSW FIFTFH YEAR STUDENTS to sign up to. Click here to sign up.
Please register by 5pm 10th of November 2022.
Special thank you to CooperVision for their unwavering support of Young Optometrists for making these events happen!