As the end of the CPD year is approaching, what better way to fill in the interactive therapeutic requirements than pub trivia? Enter Colin Clement, from his “Just ask Dr Clement” Facebook page, an educational page for optometrists interested in patient care.
We’ll be taking your phones for the duration of the trivia contest, where only the smartest group wins! Worried about not getting a prize? There’s a prize for that. Worried about your glaucoma general knowledge? That’s fine! Find a smart team and hide behind them, and just enjoy the evening with your peers. This event is free for all YO members and, to make it even better, BRING A non-YO FRIEND FOR FREE by registering them as guest, subject to approval.
Dr Clement is a cataract and glaucoma specialist who is a senior clinical lecturer at The University of Sydney and in clinical practice in Sydney CBD, Fairfield and St Leonards. He is one of Australia’s leading experts in the management of cataract and glaucoma and has built a strong reputation for his pioneering role in the adoption of many new treatment options including minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) and non-penetrating glaucoma surgery. He is the lead investigator of the Australian iStent Study group, has published > 50 papers, multiple book chapters and a textbook. He is a co-founding editor of the ophthalmology journal Clinical and Experimental Vision and Eye Research (CLEVER) and is currently treasurer of the Asia Pacific Glaucoma Society.

Learning Objectives:
- To apply an understanding of the different mechanisms of glaucoma to treatment selection
- To participate in problem based learning involving multiple case study scenarios relating to glaucoma differentials.
This event is FREE for all YO members! If you have any questions that you would like to send in beforehand, please email them to us at If you are not a member and would like to attend, you can sign up here.
Interactive therapeutic CPD hours have been applied for this event. A certificate of attendance will be provided at the conclusion of the event.
Location: Rooftop Terrace, Pyrmont Bridge Hotel
96 Union St, Pyrmont NSW 2009
Time: Tuesday 11th of October, 7.00 pm to 9.00pm
Cost: Free for all YO members
Register by Wednesday 28th September, spots are very limited so get in quick!
This in-person event abides by COVID-19 safety guidelines.. We also ask that you do not attend the event if you're feeling sick or unwell on the day. Please advise us ASAP by emailing
Changes to this booking sometimes may occur at last minute and may mean that due to health advice this event may be changed to an online event. Should this occur you will be notified by email. Please ensure to check all your emails from Young Optometrists for updates and any new changes prior to your event.
Special thank you to CooperVision for their unwavering support of Young Optometrists for making these events happen!