In this webinar, we are delighted and lucky to have ophthalmologist Dr Con Petsoglou presenting on herpetic keratitis, keratouveitis, as well as neurotrophic keratopathy.
Dr Petsoglou's role as a Corneal Specialist Consultant at the Sydney Eye hospital, and Senior lecturer at the University of Sydney, and deputy director of the NSW Tissue Bank will present an invaluable opportunity for those wishing to sharpen their understanding in this complex area.
Learning Objectives:
1. To understand signs and symptoms in the presentation of herpetic keratitis, and herpetic uveitis.
2. To understand the therapeutic management decisions in herpetic keratitis and uveitis, and factors that affect prognosis of the disease.
3. To investigate the differential diagnosis of neurotrophic keratopathy beyond sequalae of herpetic disease, including red flags and neurological presentations of neurotrophic keratopathy.
4. To discuss recent literature related to herpetic eye disease, including "Twenty years since the Herpetic Eye Disease Study: Lessons, developments and applications to clinical practice".
5. To understand the benefits of early recognition and a relation between the staging of disease and successful therapy in recent advances to neurotrophic keratopathy management.
6. To continue to improve early recognition of disease and inter-professional communication regarding herpetic keratitis, herpetic kerato-uveitis and neurotrophic keratopathy.
Register here now!

For a more extensive bio, please click here.
This webinar is FREE for all YO members! If you have any questions that you would like to send in beforehand, please email them to us at If you are not a member and would like to attend, you can sign up here.
This event has been approved for 2.25T CPD hours. A certificate of attendance will be provided at the conclusion of the event. During the event, Dr. Petsoglou would also be discussing recent literature to related to herpetic eye disease, including: "Twenty years since the Herpetic Eye Disease Study: Lessons, developments and applications to clinical practice". Click here to access this the paper.
To register, please click here. Registration is required, otherwise you will not be able to join the webinar. Please register by 5pm 29th March 2022.

Special thank you to CooperVision for their unwavering support of Young Optometrists for making these events happen!