This is the first in a series of paediatric webinars that will be brought to you over the coming weeks.
This first webinar features Dr Parth Shah, a Sydney-based ophthalmologist with extensive training across Australia, the U.K. and the U.S.A.. He is highly skilled at managing complex paediatric disorders such as cataracts, congenital corneal opacity, glaucoma, genetic eye diseases and complex strabismus in children and adults. He also manages adult cataracts. Dr Shah currently practices at Sydney Children's Randwick, Prince of Wales and The Sutherland Hospitals, as well as private practice around Sydney. Dr Shah is a Clinical Lecturer at The University of Sydney.
In this webinar, Dr Shah will be presenting interesting cases in paediatric ophthalmology and strabismus. It will be an interactive session and there will be opportunities for you to ask those burning paediatric questions!
This webinar is FREE for all, whether you are a member or not!
CPD points have been applied for, so please register and we look forward to seeing you there (from a safe distance)!
To register, please click here. Please register by 6pm 17th April 2020.
Please note: The webinar will be capped at 100 people on the night, and will be closed once 100 attendees have joined.