I attended the 7th World Glaucoma Conference in Helsinki, Finland. I went with 3 other optometrists, Wendy Saw, Sandra Au and Jenny Song. It was a 3.5 day conference between June 28th and July 1st 2017. It was an eye opening experience. It was good to meet overseas delegates and learn about the latest in glaucoma from an international perspective. In between conference days we went to a concert, nordic walking and a conference dinner. Before the conference we also travelled to Denmark, Sweden and Norway. For next time, I will do a conference first before any travels, as we did get a little exhausted! I'd definitely do it again, I highly recommend going to an overseas conference, there is nothing to lose. Apply today for a scholarship, go to that overseas/interstate conference!

Nordic Walking, we are all sporting red "Walk for Glaucoma" t shirts!

Conference dinner at Kulosaaren Casino

Helsinki Cathedral