Young Optometrist is a non-profit organisation aimed to assist optometrist in their first 10 years of practice and address needs specific to young professionals who are paving their path in the optometric profession. Carina, along with Megan Tu, Rebecca Li, Rajeev Naidu, Jack Phu and Chris Pooley, was actually one of the founding memberes of YO. She has been an amazing Chair and has really built something to be proud of. After 5 years, it will be sad to see Carina go, however I'm sure she has more amazing things in store for the near future.

"YO has come such a long way since our humble beginnings in 2012, now providing quality tailored education, insightful sessions, and awesome Xmas parties year on year. As with everything in the world, YO continues to evolve. I am ever so grateful for the priceless experiences, life lessons, friends, and opportunities that YO has provided me with. I've been extremely privileged to have been able to represent YO during my term alongside incredible committee members, and could not be happier to introduce to you all our next chair: Rose Huang.
Rose is a dedicated Optometrist, with a huge heart, fantastic leadership skills, and damn, can she lift. I have complete confidence in Rose to lead Young Optometrists NSW/ACT."
- Carina Trinh, Outgoing Chair
Carina will be passing on the baton to Rose Huang who will be our new chair.

"Hi guys, for those who don’t know me I’m Rose and I’m thrilled to be your new chair. Our aim has always been to help create opportunities for you guys, promote career development and facilitate networking, all whilst providing a friendly learning environment.
We have a fantastic team here at YO and I am excited to be a part of it. I would like to acknowledge Carina, our previous chair and one of the founding members of YO. She has helped establish such an amazing organization and her passion and hard work has not gone unnoticed.
YO is made up of an amazing group of people and without everyone’s hard work and dedication we would not be where we are today. We look forward to providing even bigger and better things for you and building on what we have done so far!"
- Rose Huang, Chair of Young Optometrists NSW/ACT