You may have noticed we have recently been introducing members of the YO Subcommittee (see here for the last one). These members are dedicated, working countless hours voluntarily to shape YO and provide the best possible experience and opportunities for you!
Introducing Sarah Tait! Sarah joined us earlier this year and her passion and dedication is absolutely amazing. Want to know more about Sarah? Keep reading!
Tell us a little about yourself?
I am from NZ and moved to Australia a little over 3 years ago. I love living on the Central Coast NSW. I spend a lot of time at the beach. The relaxed lifestyle is great! I love chocolate, Grey’s Anatomy and my boyfriend’s dog Gary.
How did you end up in optometry as a career?
Straight after school I spent 12 months in Italy. I applied for uni when I was still in Europe and I didn’t really know what I wanted to do. I ended up doing a science degree which I really enjoyed but I realised that I didn’t want to go into research full time. When I finished my BSc, a friend of mine had just finished her first year of Optometry. She was loving Optometry and suggested that I apply. I am very glad that I did, I love working as an Optometrist. It is a great mix of science, health care and problem solving.
What are you most passionate about outside of optom?
Volunteer work, but I as I volunteer as an optometrist that isn’t really outside optometry! I am also passionate about travelling. I go on at least one overseas trip a year (not including going back to NZ to visit friends and family). This year I went to China in April and I am going to Cambodia in November.
How do you spend your free time?
I love to brunch! I also like to catch up with friends, my boyfriend, go to the beach and walk the dog. At lot of my time off is also spent travelling back to NZ.
Most embarrassing moment?
Honestly can’t remember, must have been so traumatic that I blocked it out!
What inspired you to join YO as a subcommittee member?
I really enjoyed going to YO events and hanging out with other YOs. I saw how hard the people on the committee worked and I wanted to do what I could to help them out so that YO can continue to deliver great events and advocate for young Optoms.
If you had one superpower, what would it be?
Teleportation, travelling would be so much cheaper if I didn’t have to pay for flights! Also it would be great to be able to teleport back to NZ at short notice!
What is your current favourite phrase?
No one ever died wishing they had done more housework!

Along with everyone in the team (especially the lovely Teresa Bui!), Sarah has been an integral part in the planning of the Mix and Mingle. Following the success of last year’s Mix and Mingle this year’s will be held on Saturday 16th September 7pm at the Mercure Sydney. This is an unique event to YO which aims to provide young optometrists with insight into different scopes of practice. Have you ever wondered what the future holds for optometry, or even for your career? Have you been thinking of cutting your hours, or increasing your hours to suit your lifestyle? Are there certain areas of practice that really interest you but you just don’t know who to ask? If you answered yes to any of these, this is the perfect event for you! It will feature renowned, experienced optometrist who have specialised in certain areas, business owners and/or lead exciting lifestyles that may appeal to you.