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YO Committee Member Interview: Austin Tang

27 Jun 2024 10:51 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Ever wonder what it's like to be in the Young Optometrists Committee and what each role entails?  If you are, here is one of our new segments where we introduce to you a member of our committee and showcase their career path, passion projects, as well as what they do in YO. 

Our next interview is with our Social Media and Publications subcommittee member Austin Tang!

Hey Austin, please tell us a bit about yourself!

I graduated from UNSW in 2018 and have recently joined 2 independent practices in Western Sydney with a focus on advanced contact lenses, paediatrics and dry eye. Prior to this, I completed a few years of practice in regional NSW and most recently worked as a Staff Optometrist and Clinical Educator at the Australia College of Optometry.

What does you role involve in the YO committee?

I am on the Social Media and Publications Subcommittee. Part of my role is working with the education team to deliver communications on upcoming events, to our members.

What made you join YO as a committee member in the first place and what do you like about your role now?

I wanted to have a platform to connect with likeminded optometrists who wanted to make a positive difference to the profession.

Outside of optometry, do you have any hobbies you enjoy? 

I have always enjoyed following and playing tennis and have an interest in art as well, where I have done some commissions. (Check out @austintangart on Instagram!)

YO works closely with optometry students and graduates in their first years of the careers. Looking back, any funny stories or memories you had while you were a student or during your first few years out?

I think the greatest memories were formed in my first few years working out in regional areas, particularly in my first year when I was the sole optometrist at the practice. There was a lot more responsibility but I enjoyed that patients were more appreciative of services and I was able to get involved with community activities such as joining the tennis club and joining a Men's Shed.

Is there anything you wish can change in the optometry profession? Or anything you liked to see us optometrists being able to do in the future?

It has been great that there have been discussions surrounding increasing the scope of practice of optometry and it is a space that I am excited to follow. I would also like to see more optometrists experience practicing in regional areas.

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